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Yoga Science Foundation

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What is Yoga Science? Print E-mail

Yoga Science applies the intellectual rigor of conventional science but remedies its crucial flaw—the exclusion and mistrust of subjective experience—with a new, scientifically based, conceptual bridge to the wisdom of Yoga.  Commonly relegated to the domain of the “non-scientific”, Yoga has a history of over two thousand years of experiential research and a vast literature of findings.  Most importantly, its method parallels that of Science with injunctions, observations, and confirmation.  By offering a conceptual bridge, Yoga Science facilitates research that includes, at last, the deepest meanings of human existence in the enterprise of Science.

What Distinguishes Yoga Science from Conventional Science? Print E-mail
  • Research choices are guided by the core ethics of Yoga.
  • The purpose of research is to serve the needs of human beings for personal and spiritual growth as well as physical well-being.
  • A full spectrum perspective informs the Science and includes the phenomena of Yoga.
  • A Yogic perspective informs the theoretical bases for scientific research.
  • The interpretation of findings are made within the full spectrum framework of Science and Yoga.
The Yoga Science Foundation Print E-mail

We invite you to join us in advocating and developing Yoga Science for the benefit of all humanity and all of life.  We look forward to collaborating with many people and to realize practical applications of our research to benefit human health and development.   To do this we hope to promote scholarly, theoretical and applied research and to publish findings in various media, both online and off.  We also look forward to promoting an understanding of Yoga and of Science that puts them both together—in the form of the Yogi-Scientist and Yoga Science education.  We hope you will participate in our forum, comment on the articles we post, attend educational events and conferences we may be able to sponsor, contribute to our endowment fund, and contact Dr. Scott directly if you would like to join our Board of Directors or Advisors or if you have ideas for really good Yoga Science research projects! 

We look forward to your participation.

