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YREC's Yoga News 2002 (Page 3)

International Conference on Science and Meditation

Swami Veda Bharati and Georg FeuersteinSwami Veda Bharati
and Georg Feuerstein

Swami Veda Bharati (formerly known as Pandit Usharbudh Arya, D.Litt.) is organizing this conference at the Himalayan Hospital in Jolly Grant, Uttaranchal, India, on November 10-12, 2002. Guests will be staying at his two centers. Swami Veda is the author of many books, including Superconscious Meditation, Mantra and Meditation, and God, Meditation and the Art of Dying, as well as the single most detailed commentary available on Patanjali's Yoga-Sûtra. Further information is available at www.icsmindia.org. Swami Veda recently taught at YREC's headquarters in Santa Rosa, California, and promised to return when YREC's new retreat center is operational (which should be in the fall of 2003).

Erich SchiffmannYREC Welcomes Erich Schiffman
Erich Schiffman
, author of the widely read Moving Into Stillness, recently joined YREC's Senior Yoga Teachers Council. Erich is a highly regarded Yoga teacher, who studied with Krishnamurti at Brockwood and subsequently with Desikachar and many other well-known Western Yoga teachers. We cordially welcome him to our team.

Swami Satchidananda Left the Body
Swami Satchidananda
Swami Satchidananda, spiritual head of Yogaville ashrama in Virginia, came to the United States in 1966 for a two-day visit and stayed for good. In the same year, he founded the Integral Yoga Institute, which has since grown into a worldwide organization. We are sad to announce that Swamiji (aged 87) left his body on August 18, 2002, while visiting India. He will be missed by thousands and will long be remembered for his untiring ecumenical efforts.

A Yogic Siddhi Replicated (and Thus Demonstrated) by Science
teleportationFor centuries, Yoga has known of the possibility of bodily disappearing from one place and instantly reappearing in another, purely through perfect control of the mind. Science fiction invoked technology for a similar effect—that of teleportation ("Beam me up, Scottie"). It is not widely known that in 1998, a team of physicists at the California Institute of Technology succeeded in teleporting a laser beam over a distance of one meter. An Australian lab duplicated this phenomenon earlier this year, which is excellent news. Atoms, as we have learned from quantum physics, are not discrete solids but show an uncanny interconnectedness. The cosmos is indeed as extraordinary as the yogins have made it out to be.

Sarasvati Resuscitated?
The Sarasvati River is described in the Rig-Veda as the mightiest stream in the heartland of the Vedic people, flowing all the way from the Himalayas to the Indian Ocean. It dried out about 1900 B.C. In early 2002, the Sarasvati bubbled up again in a small local area, demonstrating that it was still flowing underground. Now the government of India is making plans to tap into this significant water resource by drilling wells and collecting the water in reservoirs. This comes at a time when it is becoming increasingly clear that the rapidly melting glaciers of the Himalayas will cause severe flooding in Northern India followed by the drying up of further rivers, which will prove to be one of India's most serious ecological problems yet. May the Sarasvati flow again!

The Buddha's Birthplace
Buddha's eyesResearchers are questioning the traditional birthplace of Gautama the Buddha. They now think that it was Kapileswar near Bhubaneswar in Orissa rather than Kapilavastu in Nepal. This revision is based on a rock inscription of Emperor Ashoka dated 240 B.C., which names Kapileswar as the Buddha's place of birth. The distance between the two towns is only a little over 400 miles (as the crow flies), but this discovery (if confirmed) would have major implications in terms of tourism, livelihood for the local people, and perhaps also national pride.

Sir John Woodroffe Revealed

Sir John WoodroffeSir John Woodroffe (alias Arthur Avalon), who pioneered research on Tantra in the 1920s, has long been one of the more enigmatic figures of Indology. Why would a High Court judge in Calcutta become involved in Tantra, which was then a taboo subject? In her new book Sir John Woodroffe, Tantra and Bengal, Kathleen Taylor has spared no effort to find an answer to this question. This fascinating book was published by Curzon Press in Richmond, England. It's difficult to track down, but the effort is worthwhile.

YREC's Distance Learning Course . . . a Tsunami of Interest
There has been an overwhelming interest in YREC's distance learning course on the history and philosophy of Yoga. The current course is full and will be offered again in January 2005. To read more, click here.

Ahimsâ University
Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat, announced on June 27, 2002, that a university dedicated to studying all aspects of nonharming will be established. This is connected with the ahimsâ-yâtrâ, or pilgrimage for nonharming, currently undertaken by the Jain master Mahapragna and 150 Jain sadhus. In recent years, Gujarat has been plagued by violence between Hindus and Muslims.

Shiva108 Shiva Temples Found
Recently in Jyothi village on the Pennar River (also called Uttara Pinakini) in South India, five ancient temples have been found buried under sand dunes. This discovery led to the further discovery that as many as 108 such temples are thus hidden. Apparently they were erected by King Rakkasi Gangarayadeva in the early 13th century A.D. The number 108 is symbolic of completeness.

City from 7000 B.C. Discovered Underwater
In the course of an underwater survey in the Gulf of Cambay (or Khambat), Gujarat, researchers came across the ruins of a large city dated to c. 7000-8000 B.C. at a depth of c. 75 feet. The find was made public on May 19, 2001. In the meantime, about 1,000 artifacts have been retrieved and are being studied. Dates for India's ancient civilization are constantly being pushed back, and Sumer has long been left in the dust (so to speak). A real revolution in the chronology of antiquity is occurring, yet the Western media—perhaps still under the spell of pharaonic Egypt—are amazingly silent about this.

Complete Text of the Hatha-Pradîpikâ Found
The Hatha-(Yoga)-Pradîpikâ of Svâtmârâma Yogendra is one of three classical Sanskrit manuals of Hatha-Yoga. Until now only manuscripts containing five chapters have been available. Recently Dr. Manmath Gharote, the director of Lonavla Yoga Institute in India, and his team were able to locate a manuscript that contains all ten chapters. He and Parimal Devnath have edited and translated the text, which is now available in book form. YREC has ordered a limited number of copies from India, which are available now. Unfortunately, only a few copies have survived the journey. For Georg Feuerstein's review of this publication, click here.

Gravity in India Is to Be Taken Lightly
Scientists mapping the gravity of the Earth have discovered that India's gravity is nearly one percent less than elsewhere. So far they have not found an explanation for this intriguing phenomenon, though they speculate that it might have to do with unusual tectonic features due to the collision of the Indian subcontinent with the Asian mainland. For more information, click here.

Melt Down
glacierNew scientific studies show that global warming—until recently denied by the US Government—is causing Earth's 160,000 glaciers to recede at a greatly accelerated rate, and many will disappear within the next twenty years. This not only will raise ocean levels by one or two more feet, it also will lead to drying up of rivers that now irrigate densely populated land, especially in Northern India and Western China. Other studies have alerted us to the rapid melting of the Antarctic ice shelf. The consequences of this worldwide melt-down are far reaching—ranging from flooding in some areas to severe drought in others. This will profoundly affect the lives of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Some experts conjecture that water will be the trigger for World War III. As Yoga practitioners we need to be aware of this and other similar critical environmental (and political) circumstances and prepare inwardly and outwardly as best we can.

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